Free downloads to your own specifications
PhotoDeck is about helping save you time and giving you flexibility when working with clients. This update should contribute to fulfilling both promises!
We’re added the possibility to specify the exact size and more options for the new free “custom downloads” offered in client photo galleries:

- It is now possible to create up to eight different free “custom download products” for each gallery ;
- For each product, you can specify not only a custom size, but also rename the delivered files (so that the names work better for the client, for example) and adjust their metadata for full control over what your client gets. We don’t think anybody else offers that much flexibility!
- Each product can limit immediate deliveries for files in FINAL state, which allows for ordering-retouching-delivering workflows ;
- Each client can be given access to specific products only, i.e. different clients can have access to different sizes.

The basic Low-res downloads and Originals downloads options haven’t changed, but the old Original downloads via cart option (mostly used for ordering-retouching-delivery workflows) is now merged with the new options.
The same options are also available in the Send gallery by email panel, where one can as previously send a gallery to a client and set their access in a single step.
In the galleries on the website, when several types of downloads are available, they are now grouped under a single Download button -- except for the direct low-res download, for the client’s convenience and to keep allowing single-click downloads of both low-res and original files (the “saving time” promise).
When a client downloads custom formats, the files must be processed before being delivered: unlike for the direct low-res/original downloads, the client must select (add to the cart) and order the files. They then receive a download link with all files -- just as with the previous via cart option, and just like for purchased downloads.
A side benefit is that is allows for better accountability than 1-click direct downloads, as orders are individually recorded and manageable both in your admin space and in the client’s space on your website.
For more details, have a look at the documentation on private galleries and free downloads!